PT started today. Hopefully I will get back to putting my arms up and over my head. I knew it would feel tight as I was having to do it. But after my 2nd fill today, I am not feeling to well. Bummer.. I don't like feeling under the weather. I am pretty tight this time. I went ahead and took a muscle relaxer and rubbed some EO by YL:Panaway on my back. I hope it helps with the discomfort I am having. I go again next week for another fill and see my Plastic Surgeon. From there we will see how things are going. Nurse B says the "girls" look great. I will take her word. She sees way more of them then I do.
On to other updates. My hair is still coming in and it's so soft. We can not tell the color of it yet. My scalp looks dark but when you get up close it looks so light. I was blonde when I was younger and it got darker the older I got. So maybe we should take a poll and see what everyone thinks it will be.
Blonde VS Brown? Cast your thoughts .
Eyelashes and brows are still coming in . Shaving legs and armpits isn't any fun! I didn't miss shaving. That was a perk from the chemo. See found a blessing in it. :)
Well, on a serious note I want to share something with you. The recovery process is still hard as the journey of chemo and fighting to rid myself of cancer. Recovery is just as tough. I still am limited on things and hurt in other ways now. But I keep my eyes focused on Jesus. I remember this too shall pass. I must endure this season like I did the last. I still need your prayers. I really feel them and was so encouraged! I pray that I am a light for those that need to see this journey that I am on. I pray this is beneficial to all that read this blog. I pray it makes that one lady go get checked, That one lady feel her breasts for the first time and understand what to be on the look out for. The one lady entering this journey to put their trust in Jesus and hold tight to His every promise. Because there will be ups and downs! Mountains and Valleys. But our God IS faithful!
From my heart:
Spence was in the room with me as I was leaving the PT appointment and he told her that I really haven't complained during this. It made my heart so happy. Because I feel somewhat as a BIG burden right now. Really for the last 8 months. Tons and tons of Doctor appointments, 2 biopsy surgeries, 2 hospital surgeries and just being limited to taking care of him and my kiddos. As a Mom we do so much for our families. So having to step back and get help and relying on others to help out is tough. So I am a glad I wasn't such a slacker in Spencer's eyes. You know we think we are Wonder Woman or something! :)
Have a blessed week! Smile as you pass by that person. You never know what battle they are facing!
I leave us with this verse today:
Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. (Proverbs 12:25 NLT)