Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ice, Ice Reschedule!

This Winter Storm has really messed up my week, along with so many others! My scans did get rescheduled for tomorrow(Wednesday). Then rescheduled for this Thursday! Please pray that the weather gets better that the tech can come to work so I can get my scans. My Tn Oncology office was closed today. So I did not get my new treatment. Please be in prayer that they will open tomorrow so I can call and get scheduled  for this week sometime. I sure hate to miss a week and prolong this even longer. 
I have said several times that I am a impatient person. But this time I have peace about everything. I think knowing that 12 weeks are complete. Scans are rescheduled this week. And it's only 4 more treatments. So I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

I wanted to share with my Florida Friends/Family that my longtime friend and cousin and a few others have worked so hard setting up a benefit for me and my family. The benefit will be at Krewe De Gras. It's on Saturday March 21,2015 12-5pm.There will be no alcohol served and will be a family friendly environment. A great band, Food, Bouncy House,Silent Auction and Raffle.
There are T-Shirts for sale. I think all the kinks have been worked out. I hope to be there in person. Praying that the new chemo won't be as rough as they say it is going to be. 

I leave us with this verse:

being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience. (Colossians 1:11 NIV)


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