Thursday, March 19, 2015

What A Week

This week has been ROUGH! Tuesday was Chemo day. Or so I though. I went in like normal got my labs,waited in the room for the Doctor and when she came in she was like "you can't treatment but that's not the bad part." I was like what is the bad part? She said "the bad part is your RBC is 6.9 and I normally put people in the hospital and give them units of blood". She asked if I have been feeling bad. I said no. Tired as usual. But I told her I had been tearing up the floors and laying new floors down at our house with my Husband. She could not believe it. She also questioned me about my fit bit. I said what it was that I had getting 7500 steps a day. She could not believe that I had been going as much as I did with my counts the was they were. So she decided NOT to put me in the hospital but to be admitted me and give me a unit of blood and then I could go home after that. I was told to come back today. I went in at 12:30 to get my labs. They stuck me 2 times and could get blood.(I made a joke saying yall just gave me blood and my body doesn't want to give you any back). So I ended up having to go into the infusion room and one of my regular nurses drew blood from my port. And then the labs came back and it was a no go! My counts were up. Which was a praise. RBC was 8.8 My neutrophil count were 200 on Tuesday and up to 600 today.  I am rescheduled for March 24 at 10:30 so please pray everything will be back to normal and I can get this 3rd treatment. 
Switching gears this week... It has been the kids SB and we were blessed to have Spencer's Mom come up. Boy we had know idea what a week we would have. We hope to take the kids to do something fun tomorrow since this week has been a roller coaster. 
The benefit for me down in Tallahassee is this weekend and my family and friends have been work so hard to make it special. I hate I won't be able to come but I will FaceTime and see how it's going!
This week has been a reminder that God is in control and I must trust Him in all things. He knows what's best for you and me! I may think I do. Someone once said To make God laugh tell him your plans! :) I need to let me poor body recover a few more days. So that's what I  will do. Here is a picture of Spence and I on our day date! 

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. (Psalm 25:1 NIV)


1 comment:

  1. Brandi you have more ambition and energy even in the midst of treatments. My floors need to be redone. Want to come help Greg do mine? I will be praying for you next week.
