As I've said early this week the Lord has been busy subtracting all the hair coming out of my head. I really am surprised I am not bald yet! My Mama was rubbing my head tonight because it was hurting. When she finished I said my head felt fluffy. Well I got the brush and my hair kept coming out in the brush. I am amazed the process of this. I was reminded that the chemo is working because my hair is falling out, so I am claiming its stopping the tumor from growing too. I am claiming it to be shrinking!! I am finding the positive even in this! It's been tough and I think once I shave it off it will be freeing. That's what I've heard anyways.
This week the my treatment is Thursday. It will be Taxol, and Carboplatin just like my first chemo treatment. This will be my 4 out of 12 treatment. All has been well! I am so thankful! I have been tired but that's to be expected. Praising the Lord for his mercy! Keep your prayers coming and I covet each one of them.
I leave us with these verses:
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
(James 1:2-3 NLT)
Continued prayers for strength and support for your family! The picture of you and the kids is great!