Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Curious at what I eat?

Liquids I consume daily:
Advocare Spark 8oz 
Goat milk 
Green Tea
Unsweet Tea w/light lemonade 
Cranberry Juice (pure pressed, it's sour)
H2O around 2 quarts daily( some of the things list are included in that 2 qts)

I have to stay hydrated to push this chemo all around my body. It helps circulate in my system. We don't want me to get dehydrated. It will cause lots of complications! 

Breakfast :
Steel Cut Oatmeal w/fruit
Smoothies( Kale and fruit)
Egg (scrambled or PAM fried)
Sometimes a doughnut from our local shop. 

Sandwich ( Boarshead meat, Whole Wheat mountain bread) sometimes cheese if I make it a grill cheese 
Spagettios - I love them :) 
Veggies: carrots, green beans, cauliflower  or broccoli
Fruit: berries, grapes, cantaloupe 

Whatever someone brings us. :)
Sometimes we splurg and eat out or I make something the kids really want.( we had sloppy joes on Monday). But you can make it healthier. 
When I could I try to cook clean. I take recipes and modify them to fit in our diet. 
Pizza- on Fri. or Sat.
I do treat myself! I have a sweet tooth. :)

Just try to remember your body is a temple. Take care of it. Everything in moderation. 

I leave us with this verse:
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ten! Amen!

Well, I am coming off my Benadryl high. Thank the Lord! That stuff is the devil! I could never do drugs! I can not stand the way drugs alter your mind! No thank you! I like to be in control or think I am anyways.  
WELL... my Amazing Hubster typed this week's blog and I want to share it on here. He's my hero! I am so grateful for God making him just for me! I pray we grow from from this experience and come out even stronger! Life is full of ups and downs. Hardships and Mountain tops! But he's my everything and I hate he has to watch me go through this and know he can't fix this! He's what makes me keep fight like a girl! And my children. Cancer didn't discriminate. It didn't care who I was or what I did or whom I love. It is a battle I am fighting with all I have! It will not break me... it WILL make me stronger and Glorify my Maker! Thanks for your prayers and below is Spencer post! 
So here we are. This is treatment #10! So to inform everyone, there are 2 more treatments of this segment, then 4 treatments of the second (and last) segment. We hear it's a bit more taxing on the body than this first segment. 

This is Spencer high jacking the post this week. Brandi is OUT! They gave her a metric ton of Benadryl this week. It's not a good feeling getting that dumped in your bod all at once. We are stoked and thank the Lord above that her blood counts are on the rise and she is not postponed in the process like two weeks ago.

I told her that we are almost done with the regular season, and are about to be in the post season. I pray it all continues to go as it has, which all in all is good, and ask yall to do the same. Pray for me specifically cause I have a terrible attitude this week, basically about everything. Frankly I'm having a hard time being upbeat with everything going on in our lives. I know who is in control, and I know everything is gonna be alright, but right now in the middle of it all, it's hard. I'm not fun to be around like this, and it changes the tone for our entire family. So just know that Spencer is a sour puss right now, and needs your prayer. 

Like my beautiful bride does, I will leave you with a scripture:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? (Matthew 6:25-27 NIV)

Fighting Like a Girl!

So here we are. This is treatment #10! So to inform everyone, there are 2 more treatments of this segment, then 4 treatments of the second (and las...

Friday, January 23, 2015

NINE! I made it!!

Nine was a tough one to get to! But I made it through the grace of God! He heard our prayers! I could not get my treatment unless my COUNTS were 1000 and that is exactly what they were. So please keep praying they come up so I can get these last 3 WEEKLY treatments! And my scans! 

Thank you! It's Friday and I feel better than I thought I would after treatment. So I am praying for a great weekend! :) I want to take Izzy and Braxton to do something fun! 

Have a Blessed Weekend! 

I leave us with verse:
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. (Psalm 17:6 NIV)


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wig Washing

I washed my short hair wig tonight in the shower. Note to self: Wear you strap next time. I had lots of awkward moments washing it on my head! It slipped off several times. I didn't know to laugh or cry at the situation! My thoughts were Wow never done this before, Not everyone can say their hair slid off their head while washing it! :) 
But man it smells so good and it's so soft. I towel rolled it to get the excess water out of it. Now it's on the mannequin head air drying.  I learned that while I took a wig washing class last week. Oh the things you do when your a chemotherapy patient. But learning this will be very helpful to others one  day! I feel like I need to learn as much as I can and experience everything. Kinda like on the job training! I know I have a passion for helping others. It's one of my spiritual gifts. Hospitality is one of my top gifts. So I know their will be volunteering in my future! 
I have felt good and got lots of stuff done today around the house. It felt good to have some energy to do things today! Have a great rest of the week!

This scripture I am posting talks about our gifts. 

1Peter 4:11
Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 8 AGAIN 😞

Well I went in for chemotherapy as usual. Or so I thought! They did my labs and then called me back. The research nurse came out and gave me some bad news! My counts were too low for treatment today. She explained it wasn't safe. I would have to wait until next Tuesday and they should be back up. So I was super bummed. I have hoped this whole time it would not happen and today it did! Ugh! Please pray specific this week for me. That my labs will be good for treatment next Tuesday. I know everything happens for a reason and I know God is in control. I am just so impatient! And He's reminding me to trust him. God has me in a waiting room this week! And I know it's for the best but just prolongs this journey. It makes me scared it will happen again. I like a plan, and this wasn't in the protocol. No skipping weeks until the last 4! Or so I thought! 
So this week I will be exercising more. Uping my veggies/ berries and staying away from crowds! No time to be getting sick!
Have a great week and thank you for following me on this journey. I feel like I slipped and back in the valley this week. But I will dust off my knees and and suck it and press on! I always say" suck it up buttercup". So I will listen to myself this week and deal with it! 

I leave us with this encouragment:
 Thank the Lord  for the Bible and it being a life blueprint for us daily! If you miss your daily dose you really are cheating yourself out of a blessing! 

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. (Jeremiah 29:13 NLT)


Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 8 Officially Half Way Done

 Week 8 has been way better than Week 7! Which is a huge blessing. So far only a few things have changed with Chemotherapy. One of them being Hot Flashes! Have Mercy, those things come from know where and well you can not get cool enough. The second thing is my bones being so tender on about Day 3 after chemotherapy. It is just like they tell you. You will feel like you have the flu but not the sick feeling. It hurts to rub my arms or touch my sides and bend down to pick something up. But around Day 4 or 5 I feel back to myself again. Having to slow down and take it day by day is tough. But I keep reminding myself this too shall pass! It could be so much worse! I can take this. I did learn this week that when I start the last four treatments treatment I will have to take a shot the next day. It is to help build my counts up. So I am a little intimidated by this part of treatment. I've had several people tell me this part is the hardest part. I just really keep trying to tell myself everyone is different. Maybe it won't be as bad as everyone says. 

I was so excited to be able to share the chemo/hair loss with a new found friend this week. I am on the chemo side of her journey. She is on the Mastectomy and Reconstruction side of my journey. God placed us together to be encouragement to one another. I am joyful to think God already knew we would meet this way. He places every detail in our lives at just the right time. He really does! I have seen this so many times since finding out about my TNBC.

Well I just want to wrap up 2014 and say thank you for all the love and support! I am so glad its 2015! Ready to be on the other side. I had a friend explain that it like being in the valley and I am starting to climb out. Only up from here! I also wanted to share that I have been asked to be in Susan G. Koman calendar this year. Me a calender girl? How fun! I need FUN! I turned in my application and waiting to hear back for more details. It has been a humbling and tender time in my life. Its still something that I know I am not done with and still have so much to learn from and be able to help others when their time comes. I even have been thinking of ways to be able to minister to others and be an encouragement in the Breast Cancer community. 

Tuesday is Week 9 please be in prayer for continued good lab results and continue minimal side effects. 


I leave us with this verse:
 Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day dawning. 
(Ecclesiastes 11:7 NLT)