Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Chemo/ Scan Results

Hello. It's been a tough several days since I got my new chemotherapy treatment. As most of you know I had my scans and treatment on Thursday 2/19. This past weekend was rough! I did just like the Doctor said. I was on around the clock anti-nausea meds for 3 days. I am happy to say it's been 2 days and no meds needed. My appetite has been down for sure. Nothing really sounds good. But hopefully it will get better. 
So many people told me these last treatments would be rough and they were right! But 3 more are left! Praise the Lord. March 3 and 17 are the next scheduled treatments. I know it's tough but I will be tougher! 
This picture is the 1 of the 4 AC treatments. 

I know so many of you have messaged me about my scan results. I have waited 5 days for the phone call, and today was the the day. They said it was dramatically reduced! I am so happy. All your prayers and those long weeks have shown God is faithful! I know these last treatments will finish this tumor off. 
I believe the tumor was a 3.0 cm and now is 0.7 cm. So that is Dramatically reduced like they said. 

I am overwhelmed with the news. I knew it shrunk weeks ago but now knowing how much is awesome! The first thing I said when I hung up was "Thank You Jesus!"

So lets stop and just thank Him for answering all of our prayers! He's faithful and He hears us! 

I leave us with this verse:
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12 NIV


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ice, Ice Reschedule!

This Winter Storm has really messed up my week, along with so many others! My scans did get rescheduled for tomorrow(Wednesday). Then rescheduled for this Thursday! Please pray that the weather gets better that the tech can come to work so I can get my scans. My Tn Oncology office was closed today. So I did not get my new treatment. Please be in prayer that they will open tomorrow so I can call and get scheduled  for this week sometime. I sure hate to miss a week and prolong this even longer. 
I have said several times that I am a impatient person. But this time I have peace about everything. I think knowing that 12 weeks are complete. Scans are rescheduled this week. And it's only 4 more treatments. So I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

I wanted to share with my Florida Friends/Family that my longtime friend and cousin and a few others have worked so hard setting up a benefit for me and my family. The benefit will be at Krewe De Gras. It's on Saturday March 21,2015 12-5pm.There will be no alcohol served and will be a family friendly environment. A great band, Food, Bouncy House,Silent Auction and Raffle.
There are T-Shirts for sale. I think all the kinks have been worked out. I hope to be there in person. Praying that the new chemo won't be as rough as they say it is going to be. 

I leave us with this verse:

being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience. (Colossians 1:11 NIV)


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Nose hairs.Or lack of...

Good Mid-Morning Cyber World!

I just shared a story with my friend the other day and she said Oh you NEED to blog about that. So here you go!

Monday night my family and I were eating dinner and several times I noticed man my nose keeps dripping. I grabbed a tissue and of course blotted my nose. I had a thought. Well since I really don't have much hair anywhere on my body, I bet I don't have any nose hairs! So my husband grabbed his flashlight out of his pocket and took a look(yes we were finished with dinner). Sure enough Spencer said "Wow. No you don't have any." So of course Izzy had to look up my nose and Braxton too. Then they looked up each other noses and seen all their little hairs. These are the little things that no one tells you about Chemotherapy.
 Well since I told you about the nose hairs I might as well share with you about the eyelashes! My eyelashes are on their way out now too. So I bought my first set of little fill in lashes. I used them this weekend for the first time. They looked okay and natural. So while at the photo shoot the makeup artist put a full set on me for the pictures. I really liked them. So I have decided to start wearing them daily. Monday night after I washed my face I got Spencer to try too put them on me. They are hard to put on yourself. I figured I would not have time before I had to leave for my Chemo treatment Tuesday morning. We had lots of laughs, and I never thought I would be doing this to you baby. Spencer was a pro! Or he will be before its all said and done. 

December will be 14 years married to him and He has kept his vows! For better or worse and sickness and in health! I am so blessed to have a wonderful man beside me. He holds my hand when I need him too or He acts like a 12 year old to lighten up the situation. There is really never a dull moment with that man!

I will leave us with this verse:

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE!
1 Corinthians 13:13 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 12

Week 12 is done! That was my last weekly one! I had my sweet friend Becca take me today. Spence had a out of town date in Auburn. We went out and celebrated and had Burgers and Shakes! 
I am so relieved that the twelve are done! That was a long stretch! And it is finished! 
Praise the Lord! He got me through it! I will continue to praise Him and trust Him to get me through these last four that will last for 8 more weeks! The end of March can't get here quick enough for me! I am so impatient and I am having to slow down and tell myself "Brandi take it all in. Don't miss something God is trying to show you. Are you being intention through this?" Stop and smell those roses! Find the beauty in everything. These are all things that run through my head daily! The struggle is real. It's a daily choice to live positive, and follow the example Jesus left us in scripture. The flesh in us is sinful! The Devil attacks us at our weakness. 

So as this chapter is coming to a close. I am about to embark on the last segment of chemotherapy. I will try to slow down and embrace all that God has for me. Please continue to pray me these last weeks. They told me to prepare myself for next treatment because they are a little tougher than the others. But they have been amazed how good I have done with Taxol/Carbo, so I know everything will be fine. 
Scans are on MONDAY Feb. 16 at 9:30 so please pray the tumor will be gone or almost gone! God is in control!! 

Here is my 12th chemo pic and a pic of my dear Sweet Becca and I at lunch today. 
I leave us with this verse:
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. (Psalm 34:8 NIV)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Susan G. Koman Photoshoot

Today I woke up early to head back to Nashville for my Photoshoot. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Spence and I arrived right on time and the photographer picked out my outfits I brought. Casual and Classy! I got my makeup put on and lashes applied(I am loosing my lashes now)! I had such a fun time with the photographer. She made me not so nervous and Spencer got to make me laugh! 
I decided to go bald and not wear my wig today. I figured it would impact others better if I could show them they can still be beautiful without hair. Also having professional pics and my make up done it could not be that bad of a pic. Right ? Plus this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to capture this monumental journey in my life. 
I got some exciting news. All ladies in the calendar shoot get to be in a fashion show! The event will be in April during fashion week! Wow! Super exciting! Maybe I will learn a little about fashion! 
I will update you more in that when the event gets closer. Also will let you know how to grab yourself a calendar to help support this amazing foundation! 

I will leave you with a few snapshots 
Spencer took while we were there today.
Thanks for your support and prayers! 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 11

OMGoodness. I am super excited for my last weekly chemo treatment on Tuesday. 12 weeks has finally come and gone! What a long time coming. February 16th I  will have my first scans. I am claiming the tumor will be gone! Cancer Free is what I want. If the tumor is still there and smaller  I will be relieved that chemo is working and we still have work to do! After the scan on Monday,  I will start the final segment of this study.  I will be done with the study drug. Yay, no more pills to swallow twice a day. I will start chemo treatments of another kind of chemo. These 4 treatments will be every other week. Following the day of each treatment I will have to get a shot in my arm. I believe it's called a Nulasta shot. This shot helps my blood count build back up faster. I should end chemo on March 31! Wonder Woman here I come! 

Surgery will follow and that my friend is a whole other journey. 

I leave us with these verses:
In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. 
(Isaiah 12:4-5 NIV)


Monday, February 2, 2015


Howdy! It's Monday evening and I am already prepping for a wedding this weekend. Yes! You read this correctly! I have already been planning and getting ideas how to wear my long wig for this semi formal wedding! I must say I feel weird already planning how to wear my hair. I AM NOT THE BRIDE! :) Wearing a wig is just not the same as having your own locks! I am very limited to styles when playing with my wig. No up-dos. When you have a bald head there is no side pieces to pull from. It looks kinda weird. Trust me I already tried. But I have washed, and blow-dried it. Smoothed it all down. Parted it in the middle this time. I am planning on my hairdresser to curl it and give me some soft locks when I go see her Wednesday. I have been playing with it tonight with one of my pink pewter headband. I kinda like it! Here is a pic! What do you think?