Saturday, April 25, 2015

2 Weeks Post Chemo

Appointment. Appointments. I had several this week. Physical Therapy, to get a baseline to help treat me after surgery. Blood work! More blood to study  markers in my blood post chemo. Then my follow up appointment with my Oncologist. I will see her one month after my surgery. Then I start my every 3 months appointment.
Oh I forgot to mention earlier I had my MRI this week too. I got those results! Just as the ultrasound showed the MRI confirmed! The tumor got its bootie kicked by the chemo! It makes all those weeks and months totally worth it!  I really give God the Glory for it. He is the ultimate healer and He heard our prayers! I am so glad it's gone. And I get to have the surgery to remove all Breast tissue for it to never come back! I have surgery in 9 days! Eek.... I am a little nervous about being put to sleep and the pain I will be feeling afterwards! But it will be with it in the end. I will be here for my family and friends! God wasn't finished with me yet! Wow! To have that feeling knowing that God of the Universe has plans still for you is amazing. It makes you have a totally different vision of your life! Take nothing for granted and find the beauty in everyday! Let your light shine so others see Jesus in you! Be prepared to share Jesus with any and everyone that God places in your life. Tell them how God has  changed your life or share your life's story. 

Update: I can feel prickly little fuzz on my head. Still no eyebrows! Those are painted on! Eyelashes are coming in slowly and spratic. No mascara anytime soon! 

I leave us with this verses:
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. (Colossians 4:5-6 NLT)


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

1 week after Chemotherapy!

It's been one week since chemo! I am so glad! I don't have to drive to Nashville today or be poked with a needle for labs than again for treatment. Instead I am in comfy clothes and tackling the laundry today. That's a wonderful day to me! The weather is gloomy but I am even enjoying it today. It's putting me in a calming mood. There might even be a possible nap in my future. 

I am posting this picture of me today and will do so hopefully every week to see the progress of the way I look and feel! I am bald as they come. My eyebrows have hung on as long as they could and well frankly they are just about all gone. I will have to let Braxton count them again for you to give you a correct amount! :)
Yes... He really likes to let me know how many I have left! He often reminds me the total or lack there of. Now let's talk eyelashes! Oh how I miss those suckers! Man I would NOT go to the mailbox without mascara back in the day! I would just like to walk to the mailbox and have lashes now! I can see a few new growth lashes right now but not sure if they will make it. 
My head well it's so smooth right now. Not much stubble on the ol' noggin. But from what I here it will soon start to look like a fuzzy little chicken. Good thing I think baby chicks are cute! Sounds like I am about to look like one! I just wonder when am I going to wake up and look in the mirror and not see a Cancer patient? That's what I long for... To wake up and feel and look like the Brandi I remember. I have to be honest the other day I just scrolled through old photos of myself thinking Oh I remember her. It would be nice to look like her again. This is just another part of the journey. So I hope you will come along and watch the transformation begin!  Also as surgery gets here I will add in the progress of that too! 
I will be a new creation. I am that caterpillar eating up and getting ready to make my chrysalis! Before to long we will see the butterfly! 

I leave us with this scripture:
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
 (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT)


Friday, April 10, 2015

16 rounds in the books!

First of all I want to thank Rachel for my awesome shirt and socks! Tammy for my cuffs and crown! Wonder Woman was a fun way to end my chemotherapy! Thank you Michelle for the yummy cookies! I hope you get lots of orders! Most of all thank you to my wonderful Husband that was with me every chance he could! He was my Rock and I am a blessed women! I sure will miss our Tuesday Day Dates(we made the best of every moment)! I learned He knows French! He says "we" a whole lot! Haha! 

Wow! What a journey to say the least. 12 weeks of weekly chemo. Then another 4 every other week! Not to mention 2 times we had to delay chemo and then a blood transfusion. I am so glad this part is over. With an MRI and ultrasound showing amazing results. I cannot Thank the Lord enough for His mercy and grace He's shown me. I am humbled! I pray that during this time I've been a beacon light for our Lord. I hate to complain about anything because I am reminded by others in treatment that it could be so much more worse! But I wanted to be transparent with you all on this journey. Chemo was tough! My energy levels have never been so low. I don't think I will complain about being tired ever again! Side effects were minimal compared to others. Achy bones...Well the Flu would be welcoming at times. My follow up appt is in 2 weeks. I hope my counts are up really good for surgery. I've been told 6 months to 2 years before my energy level is back to normal. I will work hard getting the right food and exercise in. Hopefully it will help the healing process. I am ready for what life has to offer. I don't think I will take a day for granted ever again! 

Surgery is in sight now! That is exciting and scary all at the same time! One step closer to being done and looking back at how far I've come but yet hitting me in the face of how much I am going to be changed. Not my old self anymore. A piece or pieces that have to be removed. 
It reminds me of the parable the vine and the branch! Does anyone remember that one? Well pruning hurts but it's what's best for the vine to flourish! So that's the mind set I have right now! This all is going to make me stronger person. My roots have defiantly grown deeper in my faith! Trusting and obeying is the only way to survive! 

I leave us with this verse:
Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NLT)


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wig Washing and New Do

These were some pictures I took today washing my long wig "Brandi" Izzy drew a lovely face on the styrofoam head. The next few pictures are after washing and literally towel drying. I lay the wig flat on the towel and then roll it up and squeeze the towel as I roll. I do this process a few times to get the excess water out. Then I am ready to comb out and blow dry! It takes forever to dry it! I mean as long or longer than it use to take my own hair. 30 mins is the shortest time it's taken and when I went to get it curled today I sat under the dryer to get the damp places dry before she started curling it. 
But I love the finished drying pic and the curled pic. It looks so natural a makes me feel so good having a great wig during this chemo journey. In a few weeks I hope to post some pics of my head with a fuzzy top. It should start growing back not long after this last treatment. I am wondering if it will be thick like it was or curly or somewhat curly. The color is going to be interesting too. I have had friend that their hair didn't come back their normal color! So we will have to see! 

I leave us with this verse: 
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. (Matthew 10:30 NLT)
