Saturday, October 31, 2015

10-31-2015(Late Posting)

Today marks 1 year since my first Oncology appointment. I learned what Triple Negative Breast meant. I learned I wouldn't just take 4 or 6 rounds of chemotherapy it would be 16 rounds. 12 of them would be weekly ones and then 4 of them would be every other week. 20 long weeks! I learned I would be put in a trial study through Sarah Cannon Research Institute. I would either take a study drug or a placebo pill. For 12 weeks 2 times a day. I grew to love  some amazing nurses and I met some amazing Cancer patients and their families. We've become friends. Sometimes in life some of the hardest things you must do become such blessings. If you told me a year ago I'd be going to dinner with my Nurse and her family. I don't think I would believe you. I am so blessed I got to experience all of this. I am not the same person I was. I've grown on so many levels this past year. 

I leave us with this verse:
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 NIV


Thursday, October 29, 2015

October: Susan G Koman Race for the Cure 2015

Hello, It's been a busy 2 months since I posted last. I just wanted to give you a overview of whats been going  on. Surgery went well. I am all healed up. I was able to start running. That has been nice. I got to run my first official timed race on October 24, 2015. I had a team that came and ran and some that walked. This was the Susan G Koman Race for the Cure run. We had a fun time wearing our pink and getting to see all the Survivors in their special shirts. It was such a blessing to get to run with Braxton. He skipped going to a RA campout. He said he didn't want to miss my run! That boy melted my heart when he told me that. I was surprised when we went to see the official time. I came in 3rd place in the Survivor Catagory for 30-39. I metaled my first run. 38 minutes for my 5K. Not very impressive for most runners. But for me its great. I have lots of room to improve. I can not wait to run another one. Two ladies on my team came in 1st and the other in 3rd in their age category. They were awesome 7 minute miles. I did that in High School but well 1997 was a long time ago. Haha! I guess

Just curious if anyone was been keeping up with my hair? WOW... I have an Afro now. Or so Izzy says! Its super thick, dark and Um, very curly. I might even call it kinky! I call it a Hot Mess. I've been wearing my wig a lot more lately. One reason being its been cooler out and the other reason I just can't stand my hair stage right now. I won't cut it, I am just letting it grow and its wild and untamed. Most people love it. I say thanks but I cringe at the thought they are even looking at my hair. I tend to change the subject really quick. I know this is just a phase and another step during this journey but man it really stinks the things one most go through. I never really thought about the awkward phases I would encounter. I am trying to embrace it all. Some part are harder than others.

Here are a few pictures of the HOT Mess!