Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 8 Officially Half Way Done

 Week 8 has been way better than Week 7! Which is a huge blessing. So far only a few things have changed with Chemotherapy. One of them being Hot Flashes! Have Mercy, those things come from know where and well you can not get cool enough. The second thing is my bones being so tender on about Day 3 after chemotherapy. It is just like they tell you. You will feel like you have the flu but not the sick feeling. It hurts to rub my arms or touch my sides and bend down to pick something up. But around Day 4 or 5 I feel back to myself again. Having to slow down and take it day by day is tough. But I keep reminding myself this too shall pass! It could be so much worse! I can take this. I did learn this week that when I start the last four treatments treatment I will have to take a shot the next day. It is to help build my counts up. So I am a little intimidated by this part of treatment. I've had several people tell me this part is the hardest part. I just really keep trying to tell myself everyone is different. Maybe it won't be as bad as everyone says. 

I was so excited to be able to share the chemo/hair loss with a new found friend this week. I am on the chemo side of her journey. She is on the Mastectomy and Reconstruction side of my journey. God placed us together to be encouragement to one another. I am joyful to think God already knew we would meet this way. He places every detail in our lives at just the right time. He really does! I have seen this so many times since finding out about my TNBC.

Well I just want to wrap up 2014 and say thank you for all the love and support! I am so glad its 2015! Ready to be on the other side. I had a friend explain that it like being in the valley and I am starting to climb out. Only up from here! I also wanted to share that I have been asked to be in Susan G. Koman calendar this year. Me a calender girl? How fun! I need FUN! I turned in my application and waiting to hear back for more details. It has been a humbling and tender time in my life. Its still something that I know I am not done with and still have so much to learn from and be able to help others when their time comes. I even have been thinking of ways to be able to minister to others and be an encouragement in the Breast Cancer community. 

Tuesday is Week 9 please be in prayer for continued good lab results and continue minimal side effects. 


I leave us with this verse:
 Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day dawning. 
(Ecclesiastes 11:7 NLT)


  1. I've been off Facebook for awhile but so glad I can keep up via this blog. Thoughts and prayers look beautiful

  2. You are such an inspiration Brandi. I continue to pray daily for your whole family and I pray my favorite Psalm 23 for you. You are so beautiful and you are going to rock that calendar. Let us know when it's printed because I want to purchase one. Keep fighting like a girl and kick cancers a$$

  3. It was good to see you and the kids in church this morning.....y'all remain in our prayers.....God created a handful of perfect heads - the rest he covered with hair! You make bald beautiful!

  4. Ooh A calendar girl! Can I get your autograph? :-)
