Thursday, April 12, 2018

Today went well. I have been super groggy today. Which made me irritable this time around.
Spencer would say I was snappy. I think it was due to Nashville Traffic on the way home and he we picked up Izabella from school(insert Fairview traffic and car rider line), had to go BACK to Publix to get my pain meds. 😫
Well it’s 3:35AM, and  I have been up off and on since 12:00AM to take meds or pee! Now I have another  30 mins until the next time to take it and Spencer just walked in the house from playing #LosersNashville.  Pain only on the left side! Right side got a new implant too. I also got a lesion( skin tag/mole) removed above my right ear and I don’t have any pain on that side. Super weird! I am think it might be they scrapped scar tissue on hat side more. Who Knows! I just know I am up and counting down the minutes to take a pain pill. I can’t take bandages off of my chest and get a shower until Friday so i will Post those pictures then. For now here is a picture of my ear. 


Brandi Maige

“ weeping will last but a night, but JOY will come in the morning”
Psalm 30:5

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

It’s been awhile! What’s new in the Fight like a girl world!

Hello! It’s been awhile! Please forgive me! Since my last post I’ve had GREAT checkups! Still cancerfree and praising the God Lord for His mercies! Just had my 3.5 year check up with my Oncoligist and all is well. I had a checkup with my surgeon that did my Expanders and my second implant surgery(Jan 2016)  in February and discovered that my LEFT implant had turned sideways. Super bummed about that, but it’s something that can and will be fixed. Actually it will be fixed tomorrow 4/11/2018  I will have an Implant Exchange and  Capsulectomy in both breast tomorrow. The Doctor hopes it will help with the rippling I have on the RIGHT side where the tumor was. 
It will be outpatient as usual. Surgery starts at 11:00AM central time. Please be in prayer with me for the surgery to go great, implants will be repaired and work well with my body this time and I heal quick! This will be my 4th surgery after treatment. Thanks for your prayers in Advance! 

Side Note: 
I have several friends that have been diagnosed with cancer or their family member has! Please be in prayer for everyone going through some kinda battle of their own! We need cures! We need healing. We need to never take our health for granted! 

Brandi Maige