Dear Cancer,
I have always heard of you and hated you! You cause so many loved ones to leave us. You aren't prejudice. Young, Old, Rich or Poor you come in and invade our body. Some it happens with no warning until it's too late! I can't believe as I type this I can even think this way but I do! You picked me and I am glad you did. You've made me into such a different person. One that I have become to love. My eyes don't see the world as I did. My outlook on life is so more precious. My family and friends mean even more to me than they did before! Most of all My relationship with God has grown so much more deeper than I ever thought it could. Trusting God and Depending on God on a whole new level. I trusted but not like I do now. My faith has always been strong. But now it's stronger. Through all the test, waiting for results, treatments, surgeries and recovery time I knew I to surrender to God. I knew everything I was facing was OVERWHELMING. It was like if I took every part of you in at one time I would be consumed. I might give up. I might not try. God's word promises He's with us and we must trust. But to trust we must surrender. Surrendering isn't easy. I had to do this daily. Sometimes more than once a day. As a person I am not perfect, I sin daily. So when I gave you over to God I didn't want you back! Most times when we pray we ask God to handle XYZ in our lives but they are all sticky hands we lay it down at the alter and then when we get up it all comes right back. We never surrendered it. We think we got it and you God can't handle it.
You weren't going to be my sticky note! You were going down and stay at the feet of Jesus. So thank you Cancer you helped me. You saved me from the inside out.
The part I want you to know Cancer is that you didn't win! I did!